# Tools
-Mass Tools
-Vhost Config Grab by XaiSyndicate
-Symlink ( Python , 404 )
-CGI Telnet
-Config Grab
-Config V2
-Config Fucker
-Cp Crack
-SMTP Grab
-KRDP Shell
-Fake Root
-Auto Edit User
-Wp TimThumb Finder
-Wp Auto Edit Title+Content
-Wp Auto Deface and V2
-Zone H
-Malware Tools
-Symlink Config V2
-Wp Auto Hijack
-Disable Functions
-Bypass /etc/passwd
-Bypass Cloudflare
-Weevely Backdoor ( Alternatif Backconnect )
-Domain Viewers
-Port Scanner
-Backconnect tools
-Hash Generator
-Hash Identifier
-Port Scanner
-Zip Menu
-WHMCS Killer
-WHMCS Decoder
-DB Dump
-Vb Index Changer
-Shell Scanner
-Log Hunter
-Delete Logs
-Drupal Mass Exploiter
-Convert Pict To Base64
-Auto Root ( 2005 - 2013 )
-Simple Root ( firefart exploit )
-Chmod Mass
Link Download : klik di sini
- Creator : MrxBarakuda
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